Image Credits Sinova GmbH
The following provides a list of image credits for the photos and images used on our website. They have been listed in the order they appear in each section (from top to bottom).
Slider 1: www.adobestock.com, 302179902, photo taken by: Eva
Slider 2: www.adobestock.com, 176363887, photo taken by: madhourse
Slider 3: www.adobestock.com, 414874355, photo taken by: H_Ko
Slider 4: www.adobestock.com, 275245574, photo taken by: Stanislav
Image 1: internal Fotoshooting
Image 2: www.adobestock.com, 66458462, photo taken by: malp
Image 1: www.adobestock.com, 280768527, photo taken by: anastas_
Image 2: www.adobestock.com, 60491033, photo taken by: Monika Wisniewska
Image 1: www.adobestock.com, 165940588, photo taken by: eric
Image 2: www.adobestock.com, 190357278, photo taken by: Dewald
Oleochemicals and renewable energies
Image 1: www.adobestock.com, 471699967, photo taken by: H_Ko
Image 2: www.adobestock.com, 189607626, photo taken by: Siam
Image 1: www.adobestock.com, 275245574, photo taken by: Stanislav
Image 2: www.adobestock.com, 207917682, photo taken by: weera
Image 1: www.atmospheres-of-light.com, 173770298, photo taken by: Günter Albers
Image 2: www.adobestock.com, 4553242, photo taken by: Felix
Image 3: www.adobestock.com, 175772238, photo taken by: sandsun
Image 4: www.adobestock.com, 498469716, photo taken by: alphaspirit
Image 6: www.adobestock.com, 408043304, photo taken by: illustrez-vous
Image 1: internal Fotoshooting
Image 2: internal Fotoshooting
Image 3: internal Fotoshooting
Image 1: www.adobestock.com, 470042469, photo taken by: Deemerwha studio
Image 1: www.adobestock.com, 470042469, photo taken by: Deemerwha studio
Image 1: www.adobestock.com, 470042469, photo taken by: Deemerwha studio